The reason for Trump's win may be very mundane

Całkiem możliwe, że o wyniku wyborów w USA przesądził efekt skumulowanej inflacji.
Donald Trump. Fot. Gage Skidmore/

If the price of eggs was lower during the term of office of a criminal openly seeking to introduce autocracy, that criminal can count on re-election.

This text has been auto-translated from Polish.

Trump is winning and no one will dispute this victory. The Republicans take over the Senate and will most likely now have the entire Congress in their grasp.

The loss of the Senate seat by Sherrod Brown, a mainstay of the Democratic Party in the red Republican state of Ohio, is symbolic. Brown lost to MAGA Republican Bernie Moreno. Other than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Brown was the only member of Congress who did not invest in the stocks of private companies, considering it a conflict of interest. As chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Brown sought to regulate the cryptocurrency market, and the cryptocurrency industry invested tens of millions of dollars in his opponent's campaign. It was the most expensive non-presidential race in history. to support Brown's opponent.

It is more than likely that conservative judges Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito will retire during Trump's term, allowing him to nominate two more younger people loyal to him, thereby concreting the Supreme Court for decades. This court, which, by the way, has already ruled that the president cannot commit crimes because he is the president.

Ten GOP figures voted to impeach Trump for his roles in the January 6 coup attempt. Four of them retired, while another four lost their seats in the House of Representatives. All resistance in the Republican party has faded.

The data is clear: Americans are better off economically today than they were four years ago. Unemployment has fallen from 8 to 4 percent, investment spending has increased. Inflation has fallen from 9.1 percent in the summer of 2022 to 2 percent today. However, these figures do not matter to voters, who are only affected by cumulative inflation, through which prices are noticeably higher than in 2020. Over the past four years, grocery prices have risen 22 percent, and the cost of electricity has risen 29 percent.

Apart from the minority who voted for Trump not in spite of, but precisely because he says and does hateful and outrageous things, one must assume that for the rest of his voters these issues simply do not matter. If the price of eggs was lower during the term of a criminal openly seeking to introduce autocracy, that criminal can count on re-election.

It seems that nothing can stop Trump and his acolytes. Deals with Putin and taking away military aid from Ukraine? Banning water fluoridation? A nationwide, outright ban on abortion, like in Texas? Roundups of immigrants in the streets? Arrests of political opponents? Shutting down media outlets unfavorable to the government? The nightmare bingo is about to begin.

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European Union
Translation is done via AI technology (DeepL). The quality is limited by the used language model.

Przeczytany do końca tekst jest bezcenny. Ale nie powstaje za darmo. Niezależność Krytyki Politycznej jest możliwa tylko dzięki stałej hojności osób takich jak Ty. Potrzebujemy Twojej energii. Wesprzyj nas teraz.

Magdalena Bazylewicz
Magdalena Bazylewicz
Filolożka angielska
Magdalena Bazylewicz – filolożka angielska, obecnie doktorantka literaturoznawstwa na uniwersytecie SWPS zgłębia amerykańską powieść zaangażowaną społecznie. Baczna obserwatorka amerykańskiej rzeczywistości.