Wykład krytyka filmowego i badacza kina Jakuba Majmurka.
20 marca, niedziela, godz. 18.00, Visual Culture Research Center, ul. Hlybochytska 44, Kijów
Lecture by Jakub Majmurek „Towards a Topology of Essay Film”.
Visual Culture Research Center and Political Critique invite to the lecture Towards a Topology of Essay Film by Jakub Majmurek.
In this lecture, Jakub Majmurek will outline a project for a topology of a specific film genre, which is an essay film. Starting from a historical, genealogical perspective, he will define essay film as a heterogenic form, bounded by strongly blurred frontiers. The heterogeneity in question can be found both in the formal aspects of essay films as well as in the range of topics and social contexts that form is taking. Mapping the frontiers of a genre of film essay would be crucial for this topological endeavor. The lecture will describe how essay film – as an artistic practice stemming from a field of cinema – is articulating itself in relation with other fields of social practices. A special emphasis will be put on three social fields – that of politics, that of art (or art-world) and that of science.
Jakub Majmurek is a philosopher, film critic, and political commentator. He regularly contributes to Wirtualna Polska, Krytyka Polityczna and other publications. He is an editor and co-author of numerous publications on topics ranging from political philosophy (among others, L’idée du communisme II) to cinema and contemporary art (most recently – Polish Cine Art).
The lecture will be delivered in English. Admission is free.
Supported by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland within the project Modern Talking. / Wsparcie Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego w ramach projektu Modern Talking.