A lecture by an American philosopher and cultural historian.
December 9th, Tuesday, 7.00 PM, Visual Culture Research Center, 44 Hlybochytska Street, Kiev
Visual Culture Research Center and Political Critique invite you to a lecture by Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht: The „End of Politics” and the „Vanishing of history”: A Look Back into the Emergence of Our Present.
The past few years have produced an increased number of events and situations suggesting that we may have arrived at a „vanishing point of history” and, therefore, at an „end of politics.” Instead of repeating the familiar argumentative turn of denying the value of such impressions and of their radical interpretation, this lecture will try to confirm and to explain the ends of history and of politics in our present, based on a historicization of the concept of „history”. It will thus arrive at a description of the present that offers fresh analytic perspectives and perhaps even some starting points for post-historical and post-political solutions of problems that we have been obsessed with for a long time.
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht – American philosopher, cultural historian, and literary theoretician, Professor at Stanford University. He is famous for his books In 1926: Living at the Edge of Time, The Production of Presence: What Meaning Cannot Convey, and numerous texts on western philosophical tradition and history of humanities. In addition, he studies media and mass culture, aesthetics and epistemology of every-day life, histories of European literatures. His book In Praise of Athletic Beauty was published in Ukrainian.
The lecture will be held in English.
The event will take place within the framework of “Between Revolution and War” project supported by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. Supported also by ERSTE Foundation and Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.