Aktualności Instytutu Krytyki Politycznej

About the Institute

The Stanislaw Brzozowski Association established the Institute for Advanced Study in Warsaw dedicated to conducting academic research and didactic activity on the most crucial and timely problems of contemporary culture and society. The founders of the Institute are motivated by a desire to create a friendly environment, conducive to searching for answers regarding the current crisis in liberal democracy, resulting rom a breakedown in social bonds and social imagination. Taking into account that no eflection can replace action and direct engagement motivated by society’s needs, we also understand the necessity of a space for contemplation free from any direct obligations or practical dimensions. The Institute means to align itself with traditions of similar research outposts (other Institutes for Advanced Study) that are not affiliated with any political parties, or party organizations; that take advantage financial support only on the condition of preserving autonomy in the sphere of actual research and research interests; that anticipate longterm research objectives, breaking the pre-ordained boundaries of traditional disciplines; and that collaborate with other research institutes and organizations, as equal partners.
The Institute is composed of: A board of Trustees, comprised of designated members of the Academic or Cultural INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY WARSAW spheres; permanent fellows, who, along with a group of coordinators, plan research actions and supervise the development of the institution; and visiting fellows, who work on their own research projects, which constitute independent research, seminars and lectures, debates with invited guests, publications of segments of their research results, and conclude with a book compilation. The Institute also offers scholarships for inviting international researchers to Poland, as well as sending Poles abroad for research purposes.
Prof. Zygmunt Bauman (Leeds University) 
Prof. Andrzej Friszke (Polish Academy of Sciences)  
Prof. Irena Grudzińska-Gross   (Princeton University) 
Prof. Jarosław Hrycak (Ivan Franko University, Lvov) 
Agnieszka Holland (film director) 
Ivan Krastev (Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia) 
Prof. Krzysztof Michalski (Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna) 
Andrzej Przywara (Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw) 
Prof. Marci Shore (Yale University) 
Prof.Timothy Snyder (Yale University) 
Olga Tokarczuk (writer) 
Prof. Michael Walzer (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
Prof. Agata BIELIK-ROBSON (1966) – Polish philosopher, working in the Department of Theology and Religious  Studies  at  the  University  of  Nottingham. A  member  of  the  the  Institute  of  Philosophy  and Sociology  of  the  Polish Academy  of  Sciences.  Multi-year  associate  of  Stanislaw  Brzozowski Association,  published  by  Krytyka  Polityczna  Publishing  House  and  „Krytyka  Polityczna”  journal. uthor  of  books:  Romantyzm,  niedokończony  projekt.  Eseje (Universitas  2008),  „Na pustyni” – kryptoteologie  późnej  nowoczesności  (Universitas  2008),  The Saving  Lie:  Harold  Bloom  and Deconstruction (Northwestern University Press, 2011), Erros. Mesjański witalizm i filozofia (Universitas 2012).
Katarzyna SZYMIELEWICZ (1981) – human rights lawyer and activist. Co-founder and executive director of the  Panoptykon  Foundation—a  Polish  NGO  defending  human  rights  in  the  context  of  modern surveillance and a board member of European Digital Rights. A graduate of the University of Warsaw (Law) and the School of Oriental and African Studies (Development Studies). Member of the advisory board  of  the  Ministry  of  Administration  and  Digitization,  Poland;  legal  advisor  to  the  Islandic  New Media Initiative and International Commission of Jurists (Polish Section).  
Dr. Maciej GDULA (1977) – sociologist at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Warsaw. Areas of research: social theory and class systems. Researcher of P. Bourdieu, N. Luhmann and B. Latour. In his research on social classes, Gdula concentrates on the increasing importance of the middle class in contemporary society and the relations of middle class, state and public institutions. Between 2005–2010  board  member  of  Stanislaw  Brzozowski  Association.  Author  of  books:  Trzy  dyskursy  miłosne (2009), Style życia i porządek klasowy w Polsce (2012, with P. Sadura).  
Apart from the group of Permanent Fellows, there is a permanent associate with the Institute for Advanced Study, 
Prof. Jerzy HAUSNER (1949) – Polish economist, lecturer at Cracow University of Economics. From 1994 to 1996 Hausner served as Director-General of the Prime Minister’s Office. In that capacity, he was  in  charge  of  a  group  of  advisers  to  Grzegorz  Kołodko—then  the  Deputy  Prime  Minister responsible  for  the  economy.  In  February  1997,  in  the  Government  of  Prime  Minister  Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz,  he  was  appointed  Undersecretary  of  State  at  the  Prime  Minister’s  Chancery  and Government’s Commissioner  for  Social  Security  Reform.  He  was  charged  with  developing  an implementation timetable for social security reform, the operational establishing principles of pension funds,  as  well  as  with  an  ex-ante  evaluation  of  the  implementation  costs  of  the  new  social  security system, and with designing a financing scheme.  He specializes in political economy, economics and public administration. Hausner is an author or co-author of over 300 academic publications.  
The Institute commenced on October 11, 2012. The opening lecture on the ‘Challenges for the Century’ was delivered by Prof. Zygmunt  Bauman.  In  the  fall  2012  we  also  host,  among  others,  Prof. Claus  Offe (talking about the idea of progress in 21st century),  Prof. Irena Grudzinska-Gross,  Prof. Boris  Kagarlitsky and  Prof. Slavoj  Žižek.  Our  guests  also  take  part  in discussion  panels  in  several  cities  throughout  Poland.  Events  in  Moscow  and  Kiev  are  currently planned.  
There are 14 projects currently carried out in the first semester of the Institute’s operations, including seminars, research  projects,  workshops  and  publishing  projects.  We  cooperate  with  well-acknowledged academics and intellectuals, who are often also engaged in social projects and public activities.  
Director of the Institute: Sławomir Sierakowski
Coordinators: Izabela Jasińska, Michał Sutowski
Prof. Jerzy Hausner 
Culture and Development
Prof. Agata Bielik-Robson
The Identity of Spirit: Ruach?
Spiritus? Geist? Spectre?
Dr. Maciej Gdula
Outside of Certainty and 
Convention. Establishment and 
Critique of Values in Social Worlds 
Katarzyna Szymielewicz
From „Electronic Eye” to „Fluid
Supervision”—Conversations about 
Surveillance Society
Dr. Agnieszka Graff
What Happened to the Second Wave?
Dr. Maciej Sosnowski, Jacek Schodowski 
Slicing Hegel
Dr. Adam Lipszyc
Paul Celan: Language and 
Prof. Andrzej Leder 
Dreamed Revolution. 
Psychoanalytic Critical Theory and 
the Understanding of Polish History 
Dr. Vasyl Cherepanyn
Art/ Knowledge/ Politics:
Culture and Society in 
Contemporary Ukraine
Igor Stokfiszewski
Art as a Tool for Reality Change
Dr. Bartosz Kuźniarz
Terry Eagleton and Late Marxism
Dr. Przemysław Sadura, Joanna Erbel 
City/ Space/ Property
Dr. Michał Polakowski
Contemporary Social Policy:
Concepts and Conditions
Dr. Kamil Sipowicz 
Psychedelics in Anthropology, 
Culture, Medicine and Philosophy

Przeczytany do końca tekst jest bezcenny. Ale nie powstaje za darmo. Niezależność Krytyki Politycznej jest możliwa tylko dzięki stałej hojności osób takich jak Ty. Potrzebujemy Twojej energii. Wesprzyj nas teraz.
