Seminar by Michał Bilewicz on antisemitic prejudice in Poland.
May, 14th, Thursday, 6.00 PM, Krytyka Polityczna, Foksal Street 16, Warsaw
Antisemitism in Poland is at the center of many public debates and a hot issue within Polish international relations. While discussing the problems of antisemitism, most authors focus on its historical aspects – issues of collective responsibility for historical Polish crimes committed against Jews, material restitution of Jewish property, or historical myths of blood libel. This seminar will discuss these historical problems and their presence in current Polish society, but it will also shed light on another, more modern aspect of antisemitic prejudice in Poland: the role Jews play as a collective scapegoat for the Polish economic transformation and its difficulties following Poland’s rapid transition into a free-market economy. We will offer empirical studies to support our hypothesis of the Jews as a modern scapegoat within Polish society.
Michał Bilewicz is a social psychologist, director of the Center for Research on Prejudice at the University of Warsaw and the member of Krytyka Polityczna.
Not from Poland? Interested in society, politics or culture but having a hard time following discussions in Polish?
Krytyka Polityczna invites you to lectures in English that cover issues present in Polish and international debates.
Come, listen, discuss!
Krytyka Polityczna (Political Critique) is is the largest Eastern European liberal network of institutions and activists. It was established in 2002 with an Open Letter to the European Public, demanding more open European policy from the Polish elites, later registered as the Stanisław Brzozowski Association, now Krytyka Polityczna consists of the online daily “Dziennik Opinii”, a quarterly magazine, publishing house, cultural centres in Warsaw, Łódź, Gdańsk and Cieszyn, activist clubs in a dozen cities in Poland (and also in Kiev and Berlin), as well as a research centre: the Institute for Advanced Study in Warsaw. It employs over sixty people and works with a few hundred volunteers. Krytyka Polityczna organises around 1,500 events and actions yearly.
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Supported by the City Council of Warsaw and European Cultural Foundation. Wsparcie urząd miasta stołecznego Warszawy i European Cultural Foundation.